Promote your brand to the next generation.

The Communications Suite provides unlimited advertising waves and campaign executions, along with insights into member engagement.

Join a community of leading brands

Become part of 950+ brands dedicated to connecting with the next generation.


Promote a wave or launch a mission to the community.


Engage with our members to build employer brand and trust


Connect with members to join your community and build an audience.

Communications Suite provides unlimited promotion to the next generation.

Builds strong, trustworthy relationships with the next generation.

Increases brand trust and presence.

Utilize the power of Bento boxes to create stunning websites.
Trusted by over 950 brands


Average cost reduction for engagement on superhand.


Members find brand content on the platform unique.
Marketing suite

Unlimited campaigns!

Frequently asked

Your questions answered.
What are 'Unlimited Waves' in the context of communications?

'Unlimited Waves' refers to the continuous series of promotional or communication efforts you can launch via our platform. There is no cap on the number of marketing or comms initiatives or "waves" you can create, allowing you to continuously engage with your audience without interruption.

Can you define what 'Unlimited Campaigns' means for our marketing strategy?

With 'Unlimited Campaigns,' your brand has the freedom to run as many campaigns as you wish. This feature enables you to plan and execute numerous campaigns simultaneously or consecutively, ensuring that you can reach your marketing objectives without any restrictions on quantity.

What is 'Members Insight' and how does it benefit our communication efforts?

'Members Insight' provides in-depth analytics and data about the community members on our platform. This feature allows you to gain a better understanding of your audience, including their behaviors, preferences, and engagement patterns, which is crucial for tailoring your marketing strategies effectively.

How does the platform help increase brand trust and presence?

Our platform is designed to enhance your brand's trustworthiness and presence in the market.

What does the '56% average cost reduction for engagement on superhand' mean?

This statistic demonstrates the cost-efficiency of using our platform for engagement activities. On average, brands experience a 56% reduction in costs related to engaging with their audience when they utilise our 'superhand' feature, which streamlines and optimizes engagement efforts.

How does the Communications Suite help in executing campaigns?

Our Communications Suite provides tools and services that allow for unlimited promotion waves and campaign executions. This means you can launch and manage multiple campaigns concurrently, adjusting in real-time based on performance analytics and insights into member engagement.